This four day course explores dozens of vital answers to these questions.
Participants will debate, share insight into, and discuss relevant knowledge about three major challenges:
1. Measuring What Matters
2. Enhancing Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
3. Embedding Upmanship By Design
This results-based conference is designed by and for experienced practitioners. Most of the “faculty” are selected by invitation, and haven’t paid to participate or play.
June 1-5, 2015 is the sixth time EthicScan’s CSR conference has been offered in Canada over the last twenty years.
You can participate for two days in Toronto (Mon June 1-Tues June 2) or two days in Calgary (Thurs June 4- Fri June 5).
There will be special workshops and course on the Wed June 3.
Benefits of Registration
1. Exposure to leading actors in community relations, sustainability, reporting and integrity.
2. High amounts of opportunity to networking as attendees participate in pre-selected “practitioner subject matter tracks”.
3. Registration includes two days of participation, the right to access all presentations and recordings in Toronto (June 1-2) and Calgary (June 4-5), and the right to purchase discounted tickets for co-workers.
Who Will Be Participating
This multi–day CSR-specific conference program is targeted to practitioners, largely from the corporate community.
The speeches, workshops, panels and days end facilitation sessions are not CSR level 101.
The participants will include 30 community engagement/program specialists, 30 sustainability professionals, 20 integrity/compliance specialists, and 20 reporting professionals.
The course should appeal to heads of community relations, sustainability, engagement, public affairs, accountability reporting, compliance, supply chain management, responsible procurement, partnerships, and media relations.
You do not need to be a sponsor or partner to appear as a speaker.
Those who do want to promote certain corporate initiatives or accomplishments, an outline of opportunities is provided.
What is Different About This Program?
To enhance networking and relevancy, participants will pre-register for and participate within one of four “practitioner tracks”.
There will be challenging workshop sessions with CSR-committed, university business school students discussing their workplace expectations.
A day’s end summarizer will uniquely offer observations on what was said and not said.
If you return this evaluation within 24 hours, you may select one of the following free gifts (you can choose one in the survey):
1. Copy of EthicScan Report: The Municipal Integrity Commissioner Resource Report: October 2009 (55 pgs.) OR
2. $50 discount toward half day EthicScan course Enhancing Municipal Accountability, October 15, 2014
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.