Ethical Risk in Civil Society: Oversight of ethical risk in not-for-profit organizations

Date: Tuesday, February 25 2014 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Description: Applying relevant aspects of the CICA/CPA Risk Oversight Framework to ethical risk oversight in associations, crown corporations and charities

Outcome: Enhanced proactive board oversight processes to reduce risks related to ethical culture and reputation; Appreciation of best practices approaches to understanding risk, which can include accepting, modifying or preventing risk in addition to reducing it
Who this course is for: Chairs, Board members, risk management staff/advisors, senior staff

Pricing: $199 per registrant; $149 per person if three or more from one organization, including pre-read material, access to Powerpoint slides and/or transcript afterwards.


Jane Garthson

Jane Garthson is President of the Garthson Leadership Centre, dedicated to creating better futures for our communities and organizations through values-based leadership. Jane has been an EthicScan Canada associate on various projects over fifteen years,


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