Protect Your Organization from Fraud Schemes
Organizations lose billions of dollars each year to fraud. In order to protect you and your organization from fraud, you must know how to recognize it. This seminar examines the concept of fraud from a legal as well as operational viewpoint and how fraud can be can recognized early. In today’s world, corporate and government professionals must be aware of the types of frauds that could target their organizations. Fraud is a multi-billion dollar illegal industry and failure to understand these frauds in their various forms could lead to significant financial loss and possible legal liability.
Objective: This half day intensive seminar course examines the concept of fraud and how accountants can recognize it. In today’s world, financial professionals must be aware of the types of frauds targeting their clients.
Topics covered include:
- Legal principals of fraud
- The Criminal Code and fraud
- Different types of fraud and how to recognize them
- Protecting your organization from fraud
- The future of fraud
- Case Studies
Outcome: At the end of this seminar, participants will have a solid understanding of the legal principles related to fraud as well as the latest fraud scams. Actual examples of fraud cases are examined. This seminar makes extensive use of video interviews and re-enactments to demonstrate how fraud affects the average person. At the end of this seminar, the student will be able to identify the red flags of the main frauds that affect individuals and small business.
Who this course is for: Police officers; Forensic accountants; Compliance officers; Office managers; Senior executives of corporations, Internal auditors, Accounts payable, treasury personnel, and banking personnel; and Any person who is responsible for the processing, approval or release of funds from an organization. In addition, participant will be able to detect the “red flags” of fraud. Participants will also be given a tool box to conduct a fraud risk audit of their organization.
Location: Holiday Inn, YorkdaleToronto
Benefits of your participation:
- Learn about the myriad of frauds currently targeting organizations.
- Be able to recognize the red flags of a fraud.
- Learn about tools to conduct a fraud risk audit of an organization
- Learn techniques to limit fraud exposure
- Understand steps to take if the organization is a victim of fraud.
Pricing: $ 599 per registrant; $499 per person if three or more from one organization. Registration fee includes Pre-read material, Course Binder, and full buffet lunch.