What Others Have to Say About EthicScan
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"I have known David for many years as a valued professional and associate. Through David's vision and fundamental personal values, Ethicscan was created an organization ahead of its time.Ethicscan has come to be synonymous with such terms as transparency, credibility and integrity. Ethicscan is a partner any organization can truly rely on to help set the compass, and to maintain a true heading through any weather."

Mr Nitkin was our guest speaker Last September at the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association`s fund raiser. Mr Nitkin spoke on “Ethics in Municipal Government”. Mr Nitkin is both knowledgeable and passionate about ethical practices in the public and private sectors and his speech was both enlightening and entertaining. Comments from all who attended were very positive, and in fact we even had one person travel from southern Ontario to attend when he heard that Mr Nitkin would be speaking at our event. We look forward to hosting him again in the near future.

"EthicScan's research provided us with a clear understanding of key corporate responsibility standards across different industry sectors. They also helped us understand which areas were most relevant, given our priorities and considerations, and their depth of knowledge and range of experience added very valuable perspectives."
EthicScan presentations always amaze the graduate students in the Fundraising Management program at Humber. The range of ethical criteria EthicScan examines is eye-opening, the detailed research is jaw-dropping, the problems in corporate ethics revealed are hair-raising, and the quality of the training sessions is mind-expanding.

“A very effective team in meeting our needs... professional, smart and easy to deal with”

David Nitkin and his colleagues introduced the practice of organizational integrity reviews in Canada.

“The EthicScan team provided a prompt confidential investigation of a complex problem, and did so with economy and tact.”

In the qualifying interview, we wanted to ask them three qualification questions. EthicScan led off with questions of us, and showed us that what we thought we wanted wasn’t what we needed.

David and his team delivered impactful and relevant presentations that would guide us at March of Dimes Canada in sustaining a stronger ethical culture across the organization.