More on Canada’s Corruption Free Reputation!!!

While Canadians are smugly convinced that corruption is not a Canadian issue the truth is quite different.Last week I posted a series of references to Canada’s facilitation of corruption overseas.My posting today hangs a lantern on corruption on our home front.Here we learn about its convergence among government industry and organized crime.Am I the only

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Out of the Economic Doldrums: A Best Ideas, Moral Leadership Factory

Corporations are sitting on billions of dollars in cash, and are not hiring; taxpayers call for less bureaucracy and mindless regulation, yet more effective health and social services; thousands of financial services jobs involve high salaries for generating non-beneficial investment schemes and selfish speculation; and tens of thousands of younger and older workers are unemployed.

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CSR Standards: Best Practices

In July 2011, a team of researchers at EthicScan prepared a major study for ILC reviewing 15 national and international CSR standards. The research was intended to review all aspects of planning, development and reporting, as well as stakeholder relations, both within and across industry sectors. The deliverables include 15 reports (each standard is covered

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