Archive for the ‘Case Studies’ Category

Once upon a time…

August 2nd, 2010 by admin | No Comments | Filed in Case Studies, Social Media

Those of us engaged in the practice and  profession of ethics must  have consummate communication skills. Indeed  ethics development is anchored in dialogue. To be  effective we must possess excellent  writing and presentation qualities.

No one has thought more about how to make effective presentations than the folks at Presentation Zen Their  point is  that  presentations should be delivered less like performances or speeches and much more like conversations.Their advice, if followed, will no doubt enhance the dialogue that  is essential to our discipline.

We would be interested in your own presentation  experiences and lessons learned.

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Applied Shakespeare

June 7th, 2010 by admin | No Comments | Filed in Case Studies

I am currently working on the design and delivery of  values and ethics learning events and   have been exploring the field for innovative and nontraditional examples.

I came   across the Findhorn Foundation the other day, who describe themselves as a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic education. What really caught my attention was that the course they are offering this summer on ethics  required no prior knowledge of Shakespeare, the play Macbeth, or the theatre!

According to the course description participants will be invited on 5-day mythodrama journey. The workshop is focused on the leadership question of  Ethical Ambition and Courageous Leadership, and draws lessons from the Scottish play, Shakespeare’s Macbeth

I would encourage you to share your own  examples of innovative teachers or teachings.

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