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Benefits of An Ethics Empowerment & Assurance Program
Many employees and companies want to do the right thing. There are many obstacles, vulnerabilities and gaps however between having an ethics code and empowering employees ethically. There are many reasons or potential benefits to such an EE&A program. These include:
(A) A lot of employees may not trust internal advisory services. This proposed service is external, confidential and independent
(B) If so few ethics issues arise, are ombuds hearing only the "tip of the iceberg" and are certain problems routinely "hidden" until they arise to surprise the company?
(C) Anonymous staff complaint or advisory services have higher usage
(D) Independent/external provider and confidential advisory services provide more data and assurance of user anonymity than internal HR department advisory mechanisms
(E) Most employee assistance programs don't have formal ethics component
(F) Most companies don't have formal complaint mechanisms such as an ethics ombuds or an employee hotline
(G) Existing advisors can compare the type and incidence of complaints learned through these staff interviews, on the one hand, to existing sources or mechanisms of complaint identification and resolution, on the other.
(H) Open-ended personal interviews are more revealing than questionnaire "climate" surveys
(J) Continual downsizing and cutbacks has increased workplace stress and the pressures to do the wrong thing, while at the same time decreasing the number of middle managers who have knowledge of how ethics-related challenges were handled corporately in the past
(K) Most companies haven't clearly articulated an idealized decision-making process or ethics "sniff test": that is, what to do or not do in all situations in pursuit of mandate or bottom line

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