What do You Remember

March 8th, 2011 by admin | Filed under Ethical Development.

Francesca Gino and Sreedhari D. Desai of Harvard demonstrate that recalling memories from one’s own childhood lead people to experience feelings of moral purity and to behave prosocially.This got me to thinking of how old  I was  when I first was called upon to judge my own  ethical action or that of another.My earliest memory was around the pouring of Coca Cola at the dinner table.I insisted that my glass had to be as full as that of my sister.I would often have our glasses placed side by side.That enabled me to see that our parents had poured us out the exact equal amounts.We even had a dispute resolution function.My sister and I were invited by my father to suggest criteria for ”fair pouring”.That resulted in the creation of my parents as the ultimate arbitrators as ”fairness pouring monitors”.

Please share your own  early childhood encounters with the ethics.

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